Friday, March 29, 2013

6 Week Mark

Landon hit his 6 week mark yesterday. And off to the doctor we went.
The good news is that Landon is growing normally and is very healthy. He will eventually stop having froggy legs, his head ridges will go away and his soft spot will close. Mommy on the other hand? WARNING WARNING TO MUCH INFO MOMENT HERE-- CONTINUE ON WITHOUT LOOKING IF YOU DONT WANT TO READ-- I guess my stitches decided to get infected and I now have an infected open sore that is leaking puss. --- ALL CLEAR!! TMI MOMENT OVER! And I have been given a prescription for anti-depressants because I need some help with my moods. Hurray for me.

I think women need more credit for what we go through when giving birth. It takes 2 years for our bodies to recover fully from the damage of carrying the baby and childbirth. We have rapid weight gain, stretch marks, our vitamins and other nutrients are leached out of us, then we have to either push this baby out of a small hole or be cut open, then there's all the recovery from those events and nursing. Not complaining, but it is pretty hard on our bodies and it can be emotionally exhausting. Actually no, it is emotionally exhausting.

I have decided to try walking some. on wednesday I went for an hour walk and it was so nice and warm outside. Landon slept the first part then woke up and was a little fussy on the way back. But it was sooo cute to see his cheeks jiggle when the road got bumpy. I'll have to take a video today on my walk.

I dont really have much to say, my life has kind of gotten on the dull part again.(As dull as one can get with a newborn) Ricky still has not been approved to be released from the Marines. Still waiting on him, still waiting on the visa. Seems like life likes to get stuck and hold off for long periods of time. Story of my life, I guess.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Starting Up Again. Life As A Mama.

I figured that I should start this up again and rant on about "life as a mama."
First off, I will mention that I always seem to have bottles chilling in my room. Right now there is currently three on the bedside table with the last dribblings of Landon's "snupper", "late snupper", and "early bweakfast".
My diaper genie always seems to be full and needing a change. Mostly, because I gave birth to a little pooper. I always just go right to the change table to check his diaper because I know there's going to be a little present in there for me to clean up. ALWAYS.

Aside from constant feedings and dirty diapers, life as a mama has been a rather interesting journey. It appears that Landon has become my "Well, I now know to NOT do that for the next one" Test subject. (Test Dummy didn't sound so pleasant)

I regret not trying a little harder to get Landon to nurse. There probably would have been more of a chance for bonding with him. But his weight and his health came first and bottle feeding it had to be, luckily i can pump like a jersey cow so he still gets my milk.

Unfortunately, I had the oh so lovely experience of forming mastitis. Which, by the way, sucks.. and hurts very bad. AND you have to get the hard lump out by rubbing and massaging the area, which you don't even want to touch. I remember when that sick, nasty lump came out. Oh, i almost puked. It was this big jelly like clump of sour milk. I remember seeing the texture of the milk was all wonky in the bottle so i poured it into a bucket and SPLAT. Most disgusting thing ever.

Landon has been more awake and alert now, and has had his first growth spurt. However, more alert has made him more grumpy, which has snagged him the nickname, The Kraken. Wake up to his little claws tearing into your flesh and you will see why i call him that. I don't think Krakens snort like a little piglet when they are hungry though. Or have kicky frog legs.

He is also smiling. He started smiling when his grandma started meowing at him, and bowowowowowing like a dog. He is still pretty stingy with them but they are coming and getting bigger. And they sure melt his mommy's heart.

And to top of this blog post, I must say I had the best birthday card from my friends Elisha and Brian. On the front it had a little yellow ducky and it say I Mithed your birthday? *open card* THIT! I laughed so hard. So simple but to me it was frickin hilarious.
Anywho.. hopefully i can keep this thing going now. I miss bid a farewell as my child is snacking on his hand like he has never been fed since birth.. and i need to exercise these saddle bags and muffin top off. Peace!